
All Quiet...

I've not actually been up to much recently, hence why it's been quiet here.

Granted, I think I have a couple of extra videos - I'll shove them below - but other than that, I've not done anything bikey related.
I've been a mix of at a music festival, at work, and being ill.

For the music festival, I was doing photography: Have a gander, if you want
Illness has just been manflu.

So, yeah. Boring.


Went to the Manchester Bike Show

So, being a Manchester bod, it'd be odd to not go to the bike show that's on this weekend.
Here are a few pictures...

 What looked like a large scooter... until later
 The ER-6N
 The Vulcan. It was rather comfortable
 a gorgeous V-Max
 The MT125 looks so cute.
 VSX950, I believe. It too was very comfortable
 And then there was this scooter. The Housemate lying down for scale
 Suzuki Intruder. Again, I really find these cruisers comfy.
 Custom trikes

 The Housemate with her boyfriend
 A Street Triple. They've changed the look a bit since I last saw them
 A Ducati of some kind...


Music While Riding

Something that seems to polarise a large portion of bikers is whether he should or should not listen to music while riding.

The major argument for riding without any music is that it prevents you from hearing the engine of your bike and traffic around you. In counter to this, I hear others say "But cagers get to listen to music without anyone complaining!"
To me, the reason not to listen has more clout than the counter. Largely because drivers don't need to be as aware of their surrounds as us.
[Please note: I say need to be, not that they shouldn't be. In an ideal world, a driver would be as aware of everything around them as bikers need to be.]

Next, you hear about how much music can affect your mood. For instance, putting on some really fast metal music can get the adrenaline going a bit, and cause you to ride faster or take more risks. There's no real counter to that one, apart from "I know, and I accept that."
For me, the choice goes down to what music you should listen to then.

So, where do I actually stand on this?
I listen to music.

My counter to the first point is that I don't have the music at any level that is over-powering. I can hear my engine, and I can hear the traffic, and as I go faster, these get louder than the music.
But when I'm going slowly, or stopped at lights, it gives something to take the edge off the boredom.
Then, my music of choice is currently psytrance. It has a consistent beat range, and isn't the most energetic of music. It's sort of soothing...

What about you all? Where do you stand?


Is Maintenance For Me?

I wonder if bike maintenance is something I should even attempt on my own again...

My YBR's chain has been scarily slack, and when I measured it yesterday, it was at about 2 inches! Given the recommended is at most 20mm, it's at a scary level.

"Right," says I. "Let's sort this bad boy out."
With tools in hand, and the Haynes manual open at my side, I went to work.

After I got the slack right, tightened all the bits back up and... found the back brake was now seized.
And I can't find what I've done wrong.


I should also point out that the first time I tried to adjust the headlight angle on my bike, I somehow caused the bulb to blow, even though I went nowhere near the thing.


I am a numpty

So, with a new bike comes new interesting features.
One of the things that I got with the XJ6 was Oxford Hotgrips - brilliant for the colder days. Unfortunately, they're wired straight to the battery, with no auto-off.

Can you see where this is going?
Well, ha! You're wrong.

Although, probably very close.
Instead it was another feature of the XJ6 that caused me to completely drain my battery dry.
That feature is...
the parking light.

What insane person throught that the parking light rotation on the key should be the one further along than the steering lock? I mean, seriously!
You put the steering lock on, and you're going to be away from your bike for some period of time, most likely.
What numpty thought it was a good idea?

I came back to my bike, after ~9 hours and the battery was deader than a really dead thing. Instrument panel showed no life whatsoever.

This meant I had to get the AA out to come and give me a jump start. [No, not alcoholics anonymous...]. Had the engine running for about 40 minutes in total, hoping that would be enough to charge it; and my initial check at the end of the day seemed to indicate it was.

Except it wasn't.
While the instrument panel came to life this time, there just wasn't enough juice to start the engine.

Today's morning commute to work was brought to you by my YBR125.
It showed to me just how much snappier the XJ6 is in comparison, in almost every way. More responsive brakes, clutch, gears, everything!

I'm going to see if I have the ability to bump start the bike when I get home.
Taking odds that I dump the clutch and drop it?


First little birl round

So, I got my XJ6 this morning, and have taken it for a bit of a spin round town.
Nothing twisty, but just getting a feel for its handling

So far, so good. I occasionally find neutral from first, but that's it.
The acceleration, compared to what I'm used to, is amazing.

Can't wait to give it a proper shot.


When I did the thing...

Had a bit of a camera fail. When I got to the Rocket Centre, I discovered that the camera had actually crashed and had stopped filming at some point - I hadn't even left the proper Manchester area - so didn't get my approach.

So, this is just a short video.


Where I ramble about an impending nice day

I contemplated contacting the company the moped rider was for for a few days. I eventually decided I can't be 'guardian angel' for others, especially since I didn't get the registration plate clearly.
I just hope he doesn't injure himself.


I did a thing.

Today was the first good day of the year. So, I decided to go for a ride to Rocket Centre.
I'd intended just to have a look-see at the XJ6 they had, and maybe decide later if I wanted it.

Thing is, it was marked down by another £400. And it already had hot grips fitted, that I had planned to have added.
So, I may or may not have bought it there and then. Translation: I totally did.

It gets delivered next weekend!


When I went for a trip to bolton

The other weekend, I took a trip out to Bolton Motorcycles, just to have a look at bikes. Some highlights of the ride are here:

Just to point out: at the roundabout, yeah, The Housemate went into the wrong lane, but I had to slow because it was obvious the car driver was going to pull out when he shouldn't have


It's Such a Dilemma!

While I passed my test back in October, I've still been riding around on a YBR125. And the reason I even have one is due to my own impatience... because I bought it in the September, when I already had my module 1 booked. I was just getting stupidly itchy to be on a bike.

How does this lead to a dilemma? Let me slowly explain...

I bought the bike on finance, and part of that agreement is that you aren't allowed to sell on the bike until the finance is cleared. This didn't bother me at the time, as I had planned to stick to a 125cc for a year, to "cut my teeth" properly, so to speak.
It's now been 5 months, and I want on to my bigger bike now! There's only so much I can take being unable to safely use a motorway or higher speed dual carriageway.

So, I've been searching for an XJ6N, which is affordable. And, I've found a couple.
My problems arise in that, if I wait, I can pay off the YBR faster by doing lump sums in to the account, but that leaves me 'stuck' with it for longer.
I could put it up for sale, and if it gets interest quickly, I could use my next wages to pay it off - but it would have to sell, or I'd be a bit stumped with money.
Or, I could say 'fuck it' and buy the XJ6 anyway, giving me 2 bikes for a short spell. But I don't know how that would go with insurance and whether I could afford to in the longer term [I have money for a rainy day right now]


Also, the weather is meant to be crap this weekend...


One of those days

Today is one of those days where, I'm sat at work, pretty much completely unable to focus.
I'm trying to write some code, and just can't think how to hook it into my existing system.

I think it doesn't help that it's too warm in here and there's no real aircon.


Video 002: Yeah, I'll come up with a title card thing eventually

Here's my second video.
I wonder if I should add NSFW warnings on these, due to the way I fucking swear a lot?


Decisions, Decisions

I'm currently still pootling about on a '12 plate YBR 125, since passing my test. It's not hugely bothered me, since I pretty much just commute, and it's been a tad cold for long journeys.

For a while, I've had my eye on an XJ6N, which was the first non-cruiser to grab my attention. You see, I've always wanted a cruiser type - still do - but while flicking through bike sites, the XJ6 just went "HIIIIIIiiiiiiii!"
I can't say for certain why. It's not the fastest bike. It's not the sleakest. But, reviews I've seen since have said it's reliable. And there's a reason it's a popular bike [I since found] for motorcycle schools in the UK.

However, this weekend, I've added a second bike to that list now. It's in the same sort of league - popular in the schools - as the XJ6; the ER-6N. I had a sit on one of these when I went to Bolton Motorcycles over the weekend, and it was rather comfortable.

I'm still wanting the XJ6 mainly, but I think I will be happy if an ER-6N pops up before the XJ does...

And then I can go a little bit faster than the YBR can get to (:


Drift Ghost S Review, follow up

See part 1

Been using the Ghost S for a bit longer now, and I have the external mic in use. 
Placement of the mic was a bit tricky; for some reason it has a really long cable... when you'd expect a short one would be enough.
Although, I'm guessing it's because it allows for the camera to be chest mounted or something? [even though the shape isn't suited well for that]

Sound quality is rather good now - turned down sensitivity, and the mic is nestled in front of a cheekpad. No wind noise at all, even with the visor open. Only very lightly picks up the sound of my bluetooth headset

Battery life is giving me ~2 hours it seems, and I'm recording at 720p 30fps
Not quite the claimed 3.5 hours. But that may require potato quality recording...

Low light quality seems better at that resolution too, a bit noisy but nothing terrible.

Still yet to edit any video. Can't decide on what to use.


Social Media Woes...

Decided yesterday that I needed a break from Facebook.
Mainly as a mini-experiment. I'm wondering if my current very negative attitude is a result of the negativity that I get on my feed.

While I've not had a chance to see if that's true, I've already realised just how much I used it in passing.
If I needed a mini distraction, I'd check Facebook.
When I woke up, I'd check Facebook.
When I go to bed, I'd check Facebook.
The fact that I discovered just how subtle these checks where, I wanted to update on Facebook...

It's pretty much the signs of addiction, I think.

Now, I've left myself signed in to chat [messenger app on my phone and Pidgin on my PC], because it's my primary means of conversation with some people. But resisting going to the main page is rather challenging.


Editing Software Woes

Seriously, how hard does it need to be to find video editing software that is simple to use for my needs?


The Pain of Not Getting to Ride

I know I'll be preaching to any biker choir here, but not being able to get out on the bike sucks.
For me, my reasons are two-fold.

1. The obvious "bloody white stuff falling from the sky" that we've had on and off for a couple of days;
2. I normally wear glasses, so when riding I prefer to put in contacts

Now, I'll explain the second one more fully.
For short journeys, I would normally be OK with wearing my glasses. And my daily commute is short. However, at these colder temperatures, as soon as I stop [or worse, while moving] my glasses will steam up unless I ride with the visor open.
And my eyes have been sore from continual use of contacts recently. Largely because I've went from rare use - once a week on average, for a few hours - to having them in from 8am till about 7pm.

Couple this with the harsh lights that seem to be getting used at my work, and by about 3pm my eyes have been burning each day.
Therefore, I'm resting my eyes.

But gah, I want to be filtering through those lines of cars. Those people cursing other drivers for causing them to be stuck moving only a few miles an hour.
Instead, I'm stuck in public transport hell; sitting on a packed tram.

Pity me?


Clear sound!

This morning's ride had nice clear sound with no wind noise.
It still contains a stupid sounding voice though, but that can't be helped unless I get Morgan Freeman to narrate...

Next up: editing a video. Will likely include the journey home in any first video.


How I got my license

I posted this on a thread in Reddit, but felt I would share it here too.

Did this with a place in Paisley [near Glasgow] called Bike It. 4 of us for the day, me, 2 younger guys, and this "old" ned/chav. I actually figured he was younger than me, but alchol and other abuses took their toll so he looked mid 40s. 
The initial parts of the day were great. Explanations, etc. 
Then, it came to getting on the bike. I listened and watched the explanation of how to get the bike moving, thought "yup, looks fine enough." Kicked into first, added throttle, let up the clutch. Stall. 
Started the engine back up and tried again. Stall. 
Repeat... I'm moving! Stall. And the bike falls over and snaps the clutch lever.

Once I was able to get moving - and didn't need to stop - I was fine. Slalom, figure 8, etc.

This set up for pretty much the rest of the day where I was nervous with the clutch, just uncertain on how to use it right. But, somehow I passed. I have a feeling it's because I went out on the road with the ned, who was terrible. And he probably distracted a lot from mistakes I was making. However, my road awareness was reasonably good due to 17 years behind the wheel.

It took me a bit to realise [as in a number of lessons] what I had done wrong to begin with, and why. I'm also not sure how the instructor didn't catch the mistake. 
Basically, I misunderstood his directions. I was trying to release the clutch slowly the entire time I was moving, rather than waiting until the bike was stable. So, I was dumping it each and every time.

I started off with lessons with the same guys. Mainly because they were highly recommended and I liked their attitude. 
They'd joke with you when appropriate and politely point out mistakes. Never getting angry [as I'd hope from any instructor, really.] I acquired the nickname "Captain Chaos" from them, because "While 95% of the time, your riding's great for your level, and what we expect; it's the other 5% where I'm almost chewing through my helmet!" 
I realised I'd need more frequent lessons than the one every other week I was doing, so put my riding on hold while I saved money. And then money fell on its arse.

8 months later, I finally got back to learning with them, and requested a day's refresher [well, 2 lessons] of clutch control and basic moves. I only needed 1, and was forced out on the road after accidentally proving I could do a U-turn in the width of a single car parking space. 
Very soon started towards my DAS with them and sat my theory test. Just before I was ready for my mod 1, I got a job offer for Manchester.

Manchester -> DAS
It was almost 2 months from moving down before I was able to recommence lessons. But with the people I went with, it was a set course of training [although, not back to back days]. 
Started off on a Saturday, the whole day on 125cc. We pretty much did most of the mod 1 moves, being shown any tips and tricks we'd maybe need. Then onto a road ride. 
It was actually quite gruelling, as we went to a block of streets that allowed for weird combinations of left and right turns as the instructor felt was needed, and helping us get the lifesavers sorted for the right timing.

Sunday was a short day. Just the morning, on 500cc bikes, redoing the mod 1 stuff with bigger bikes.

I had my mod 1 on the afternoon of the Tuesday. Started on the 500cc again, as a refresher, then onto Gladius 650s. 
Almost straight off, there was problems. One of the guys taking his test that day - for the 3rd time at that point - was someone I can only describe as a fat useless bastard. 
We were to move forward in a straight line on the bikes, at very slow speed, just to get a feel how much the clutch could pull. He drifted towards me [due to looking at the instructor rather than straight on]. Without thinking, I pull the front brake to stop from hitting him, and the bike goes down. Fortunately, I took him down with me. 
He failed his mod 1 that day, and I later found out he continued to fail it at least 5 times [some people should just give up]

Ultimately, I failed my test that day too. Somehow, I screwed up the slalom [bike didn't turn when I wanted it to], got angry with myself and called a stop to the test, in case I injured myself. [I could have gotten away with a minor]

Resat the test 3 weeks later and passed - got a minor for not turning back in to the box after the swerve. He let me redo the move, because everything else had been perfect to that point.

Mod 2
I sat the mod 2 about a fortnight later, I think it was. [2nd October] Ended up with 4 minors. 3 of which I know for certain when they occurred. 
1 was for going 35mph. 2 others for being too cautious around buses. "Are you planning on picking up passengers too?" asked the examiner in my ear... 
The 4th was for missing a rear observation. No idea when.

While waiting to tell if I'd passed - although, I thought I'd failed due to a bit of sloppy cornering at one point [but was disregarded due to the level of the rest of my riding] - he grilled me about the buses. Going on about my acceleration and the bike being nimble. 
"So, do you want to send off for your new license or just have me do it?"
"... I passed?" 
"Well, anyone who rides like that around buses deserves to suffer. Yup, you've passed."
He hands me the certificate, "And hold on to that, you'll need it for the 3rd stage of your test." 
While my brain, slightly mush right now, is going "... 3rd stage?" he walks out before I can ask what he meant.


Review So Far [Drift Ghost S]

Well, I've had the Drift for over a day so far, and used it on my commute to and from work yesterday. Couldn't today, as my back light has went, and there's nowhere in town - that I know of, at present - to get a replacement.

So, I thought I'd post my initial opinions of the Ghost S.

The very first thing is The Packaging...
Utterly beautiful. It's made to be displayed.

It all opens up nicely [although, I accidentally tore a bit of the black off while removing a sealing sticker ):
Then, the base all opens up to reveal the contents secure in place with clips.
It even comes with a couple of stickers for you :D

Battery only had minimal charge, so that needed done before I could use it.

Oh, yes. Important bits of information for prospective buyers of the Ghost S:
It does not come with an SD card [uses micro] nor a charger for the batteries. It charges through USB, yet it didn't even come with a plug adapter.

The lack of SD card I can forgive - people can be picky about storage - but no proper way to charge a device that costs over £300? That's just sloppy.
FYI: You can buy a dedicated charging cradle for the battery, which costs ~£30

In Use
The UI is a bit weird, and not incredibly responsive. It requires solid button presses to be accepted. But, I can see this as deliberate. If the controls were sensitive, then under heavy action, they could be activated when you don't want them to be.

When you record a video, you can play it back, but the way to do so isn't the most intuitive. You go into the menu, then a playback option, then what you want to play back [icons show how many there are for each]. You can scroll through the available playbacks once in, and this is where it gets the "huh?" - selecting a video [for example] then brings up a further menu, where you select whether you want to view it or not.
But since there are only 4 available buttons, and this menu also has the delete option, I can see why they had to do this.

For actually recording, it's simple enough: on the camera itself, same button starts and stops. And there's a light to tell you what it's doing.
Or, you can use the wireless remote that you can strap round your wrist. One button starts, the other stops. And it slow flashes red to let you know it's recording [and it's not distractingly so]

The Recordings
The recordings themselves, then?
I've got 2 examples - unedited at present, so can't post - one in the morning during daylight, and another in the evening in darkness.

The initial issue is the internal mic. It's pretty much useless. It claims to be noise reducing, but when moving - even down at ~10mph - there is nothing but wind noise in the recording.
But, I've received by external mic, so I'll see how that handles soon.

The daylight video is very clear. And I'm definitely happy with it. Can't complain.
The night video? Hmm... as a photographer, I can only imagine that its ISO response is, well, shit. Dark areas were just noisy as hell. And as I picked up speed, the noise went across the video. But hey, in the case of insurance purposes, it's fine.

Still, for a £300+ camera, I would expect a bit better ISO response. I'd not be surprised if it could be fixed by ISO, or possibly another setting like dropping the resolution

Well, that's my initial impressions. I'll hopefully make some proper videos soon, and let you all judge for yourself.


It Begins!

Picked up the camera yesterday, on the way home from work.
Charged it up, and set it recording on my way to work this morning.

While I still don't have the external mic - may email about that soon, as there's no indication they're even sending it... - I wonder if it'll pick up my random mutterings, since there is already a mic on it.
Therefore, I currently have 23 minutes of footage - I'd never actually paid attention to how long my journey actually took - and it'll be interesting to see if I can even make 5 minutes out it as practice.


Waiting sucks

Got the "delivered" notice from Amazon for my Drift Ghost earlier. A whole 2 hours ago.
These have been the longest 2 hours of the year!

Ssssh, I know it's only had 3 weeks. Don't judge me!

And while a spare battery has also been sent to me, I haven't received the external mic for it yet. Ah well, quiet videos initially.

Let's Create a Blog!

I always have these little scratchings in the back of my brain. Those ones that say "You should really do <insert something>", but I never do that something.
One of these recently has been a blog, where I can be reasonably open about myself [but likely not people I know, unless it's not offensive (: ], and likely post in Facebook sized chunks, but not deal with what Facebook brings [ie, friends and family (: ]

I've also got an action cam [A Drift Ghost S] incoming, so will one of those somethings is a vlog, specifically for the motorbiking I do. We'll see.

And, we'll see if I actually keep this up.